Choices Mentoring Initiative mentors and mentees’ day commenced at the Martin Luther King Jr. Historical Park, where the very essence of Dr. King's vision and legacy permeated the atmosphere with sights and sounds of the Civil Rights past with a vision of the future,
Mahatma Gandhi statue,
Ebenezer Baptist Church,
Martin Luther King Jr’s home,
The final resting place of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King,
Walking through the Freedom Road Walkway,
The Dream Center, a beacon of hope and empowerment, and more.
As we concluded our day at the Martin Luther King Jr. Historical Park, the mentors and mentees were filled with a profound sense of gratitude and humility.
📣2024 Choices Mentoring CROWDFUNDING Campaign Coming Soon📣
#choicesmentoringinitiative, #choicesmentoring, #cmimentoringiniative, #cmimentoring, #mentoring #Berkshires #Pittsfieldma